Friday, October 27, 2006

Greener pastures...

Thea and I took a leap and rode in the fields out behind the race track! I had a friend there to keep an eye on us in case of trouble (and take pictures). She was so good, I'm proud of her :) We walked and trotted mostly and did a little canter up the hill. It was fun! Here are the resulting pictures... the grass looks so green!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Steady as she goes...

School work hasn't really been piling up but they've been steadily giving us more to study each day, which means we don't get much of a break with 4-5 tests a week... We had 2 presentations to do this week as well. Next week we have 2 big unit tests on the same day... and only 36 days to go til the end of classes! :)

Yesterday I sealed the envelope that may seal my fate in the world of veterinary medicine. Yes... I applied to AVC again! :) I liked my personal statement much better this year... last year's was too dry and unoriginal. Now I get to play the waiting game again til March (find out if/when we have an interview) and then wait til May sometime to have our interview, and then wait til mid June to find out if we've been accepted. I hate that its such a long process. I'm sure I'll be doing a lot of stuff between now and my interview, kind of makes the application out of date! But at least I'll have lots to talk about :)

Finally started working Thea again after her unfortunate bad luck the past couple of weeks (sor foot after being trimmed and then reaction to strangles vaccine). I'm looking forward to getting her going nicely undersaddle before the ground freezes! We're also planning on renting the indoor once or twice a week to practise in. Will be nice once the time changes and it gets dark super early.

Here are a few pics I snapped today at lunch when I went to muck out Thea's stall. She loves her buddy Dala :)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

College Royal!

Thea attended her very first show last night! College Royal is a show held for the students at NSAC, where they can show their animals. This was actually only the 2nd year they've done a horse show. They're more into the cows, sheep and chickens around here LOL. We entered Advanced Showmanship. I was debating on whether to enter beginner because Thea was definately a beginner seeing as I had only worked her many 4 or 5 times in showmanship. But since I had shown (and placed) showmanship classes in AQHA breed shows... I didn't think it was fair to the other students!

We were supposed to have 5 people in our class, but it ended up only being 3 of us. I was so proud of how Thea behaved. She was listening, standing and doing everything I asked of her. I was expecting her to be spooky, jumpy, and not wanting to stand still! We had a good pattern, the judge even said so, but the onyl problem was that I forgot to back up in the pattern!! Ahhh. We got 3rd out of 3 because of me. Oh well. I was more than pleased with her though :) I have a feelign she'll be a nice showmanship horse like her sister Mascouche!

Here are a few (bad) pics. One of my lovely banding job of her mane, and the others of us before heading over to the indoor arena.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Good times in Halifax!

I had a marvelous time with my friends Liz and Michelle in Halifax this weekend. We had a party at their apartment and then went out to Pacifiko. Lots of fun :) Thanks girls!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


The camera batteries died unfortunately.. But here are the ones she managed to capture! :)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

My first thanksgiving by myslef! While I haven't been home for thanksgiving in several years, I've always celebrated with roomates/friends. This was the first time just me ( and Cody). I cooked a good meal of pot roast, mashed potatoes, veggies and gravy :) Yum.

I've been doing stuff with Thea, doing some homework, and watching the dog show that has been going on at the racetrack exhibition centre. So I've been quite happy :) Today I watched the herding group, which is of particular interest to me because I plan on getting a German Shepherd (GSD) in the not too distant future (ok a couple years)! It was nice seeing so many GSDs in one place. But I was also taken aback at how awful a few of them looked. The poor dogs were not just walking on their hind feet they were walking on their hind feet as well as almost up to their hocks!! And to watch them move was horrible... Yet another reason NOT to get an american/canadian bred dog... I have totally fallen for the German lines who have dogs that can actually trot and don't have such acute angulation (and many other weak points) and they actually have the old GSD temperment... Here are a few pictures (the awful one is the one on the right in the first picture):

Thea and I have finally begun some canter work, and she seems to have gotten (mostly) out of her reluctance to move forward. We can actually trot for more than one circle! LOL She's getting good at showmanship too, and we've only practised a couple times. She can spin well already... just have to work on setting her feet up square.

Tomorrow we are getting some pictures taken of us :) Hopefully they'll turn out well. I'll be sure to post them!