Thursday, May 18, 2006

The interview...

So the big day came! I have been preparing for weeks now and it was finally time... my Atlantic Veterinary College interview. I got up at 7:30 after a remarkably solid sleep, had a shower ate breakfast and looked over some last minute details. I got to chat with Jennifer who gave me some words of encouragement. At 10:00 I walked over to the AVC building to the small animal hospital and waited for a few minutes until the AVC dean coordinator came to get us. I was quite stunned that the other two interviewees were both male! That was unusual since 90% of vet students are female and I got 2 guys my day lol. We went and wrote the essay section, which was much better this year, I could have written on a few topics instead of the one like last year. After the essays we had a tour by a 3rd year student, which was different than last year he gave more detail on actual course work involved in first year but less of seeing the animals (we didn't get to go into the teaching barn... I was hoping to see my favorite horse Madison!). We did get to catch a glimpse of a clydesdale in colic surgery though, that was neat! We then had lunch with Dr. Singh, he talked a bit about the interview process and vet school in general. Then the first guy went in for his interview and came out right on time. I went in feeling fairly confident. I got a bit flustered at a couple points but I think I recovered myself nicely. Had lots to talk about regarding bettas, horses, and the pet store, and vet cases. Good stuff :) We'll see how it turns out... the verdict should be delivered June 15th!

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