Friday, April 27, 2007

Zoo trip!

Our class had a field trip today to the Oaklawn Farm Zoo in the valley, NS. We had a great time, with a couple personal tours! First was the reptile house where we got to handle some snakes and see some endangered turtles.

Then we wandered around to see zebras, a "zonkey" (half zebra, half donkey), camels, lamas, alpacas, lemurs, mokeys etc. When we reached the barn and farm animal section we noticed a goat in labour and almost got to see the birth! But then she was taken into the barn.

There was aso a goat that looked ready to explode... poor thing!

After that excitment we were ushered off to a personal tour of the big cats. We went through the outer cage section and within reach of the big cats. First were the panthers, and we were allowed to touch them through the cage!!

Next were the cougars... ( no good pics, sorry!)

Then Tigers...

The Jaguars...

And finally the Lions! our tour guide even went in with the pride and gave one of the boys a good scratch under the chin. The reason she could do this was because she raised all of these cats from cubs, so they are used to human interaction. Very cool!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

April Update

Half way through the month! Exams went uneventfully, should get our marks back next week. We're halfway through our first week of intersession. I'm really enjoying the hands on stuff, and we are being kept very busy. I've gotten to take blood from a kitty and IV injections (under anaesthetic). Next week I am scheduled for surgery assistant monday, anesthesia tuesday, and surgery assistant thursday :) And I got the only dog for the anesthesia, so I will get to try and intubate!! Can't wait...

Also exciting is my recent ebay purchase. Not quite as exciting as my saddle, but none the less well anticipated. I got a stethoscope. Not just any stethoscope, but a Littman Master Cardiology... and of course in blue. LOL Here is a picture of the pretty beast:

Here is what they say about it:
The Littmann® Master Cardiology™ stethoscope offers a handcrafted stainless steel chestpiece with the portable convenience of a single-sided stethoscope. The tunable diaphragm conveniently alternates between low- and high-frequency sounds with a simple pressure change on the chestpiece.

Additionally, the stethoscope comes with a special procedures adaptor for difficult site or pediatric auscultation

This should be more than adequate for a vet tech, and good if I do anything beyond that! ;) And I got it at half the price of regular retail in Canada. I love ebay!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Classes are finally over! We made it through "Anatomy Week" with 3 tests in Anatomy. Now all thats left are 4 final exams next week on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We had a surprise birthday celebration party for one of our instructors, Chas, our last day. It was fun not to do school work!

Here is a picture of our mock emergency with "Fluffy". We had to do CPR and draw up emergency drugs etc. Our instructor also acted as the "distraught client" LOL. It was fun :)

Last night we went out to Damascus to celebrate with pizza,Chocolate Eruption cake, and a few drinks :)

I've been getting quite a few rides in the past couple weeks. Thea is going great! I was able to get some pics and a couple videos. Its great to see how far we've come since September!