Friday, April 27, 2007

Zoo trip!

Our class had a field trip today to the Oaklawn Farm Zoo in the valley, NS. We had a great time, with a couple personal tours! First was the reptile house where we got to handle some snakes and see some endangered turtles.

Then we wandered around to see zebras, a "zonkey" (half zebra, half donkey), camels, lamas, alpacas, lemurs, mokeys etc. When we reached the barn and farm animal section we noticed a goat in labour and almost got to see the birth! But then she was taken into the barn.

There was aso a goat that looked ready to explode... poor thing!

After that excitment we were ushered off to a personal tour of the big cats. We went through the outer cage section and within reach of the big cats. First were the panthers, and we were allowed to touch them through the cage!!

Next were the cougars... ( no good pics, sorry!)

Then Tigers...

The Jaguars...

And finally the Lions! our tour guide even went in with the pride and gave one of the boys a good scratch under the chin. The reason she could do this was because she raised all of these cats from cubs, so they are used to human interaction. Very cool!


love2garden said...

Hope you came back with all your fingers!! The first pic reminds me of the time you held the alligator in Florida :) The cats were probably a lot more lively in this cool weather than they would be in the summer heat. Looks like you had a great tour!

Love2Run said...

Yeow! I'll bet that was heavy to hold. Poor goat...great pictures. cya!

Pippa said...

Hey Steph!

I agree with your dad, GREAT pictures! I especially like the tiger close up. Would you mind if I tried to draw that one sometime?

Steph said...

Thanks guys :) I was pleased how well the pictures turned out considering the limitations of my camera. Feel free to draw away Rosie :)