Saturday, May 06, 2006

They sold my bird!

Bailey, the blue-fronted amazon was sold Thursday night. I feel a bit sad because he quickly became my buddy and "helped" me clean hamster cages. But it is good he found a home, he's actually with the same people who bought Nelly, the other Amazon. So he'll have his girlfriend back lol

I've been getting better in the running department. The past 2 runs I've done 10+ min x 5+min running intervals with walking in between. On thursday I went for a run down the Confederation trail, and I noticed they have markers for each kilometer! Not to mention its safer than the road and probably easier on the joints, and more scenic... So that will be a way to keep tabs on how fast I am going :)

In other news, I'm trying to spawn my bettas this weekend. Right now the male and female are loose together in the tank, and there is lots of flirtation going on, and the male showing off. But there is still no bubble nest... but I know he can make them because he made one in his bowl last week. So hopefully by tomorrow... I'm not sure if I'll leave them together overnight or not. They haven't been ripping any fins yet, but it almost always escalates to that (not doing so would be unusual), and I don't want them to get too damaged or distressed if I'm not around to keep an eye on them. I made sure to get lots of good pictures before I put them together, as their fins probably won't be the same again LOL Here are a couple pics...

1 comment:

Love2Run said...

Nice pictures! And thanks for the comment. Didn't know you were trying out the running thing. When starting out the golden rule is the 'talk test'. You should be able to run and talk without gasping too much ;-) Otherwise it's too fast!