Saturday, March 03, 2007

Its almost spring!

Today was gorgeous, a high of plus 6 and a low tonight of plus 1. There was a schooling horse show at the indoor that I watched this morning, and then went for a little ride outside, but only managed walking and a little bit of jogging because the snow/ice hadn't completely melted yet.

Last wednesday night a few of us rented the indoor arena, and I got to use my western saddle again! I was very pleased with Thea. She hadn't been ridden in two weeks and last week wasn't allowed outside because it was too icy. She was so quiet and listened to me. She's going very well at the jog, its amazing the difference between the last videos I've had taken of us and now (see below for links to new videos). Her lope needs the most work, but that is to be expected since I havn't had a lot of tiem to work on that... Its hard to lope very much when they are not in shape... not really fair.

I'm getting to ride in the indoor again tomorrow morning. This time I don't have to pay because I'm helping the guy who's renting it in the morning with chores :) Yay, free time!

Other stuff going on... I finished my "couch to 5k" program last week. I've been a bit slack this week due to getting to the gym and there not being free treadmills, and school stuff. But I'm hoping to increase my speed and get back up to 5 k, not necessarily 30 minutes, but that may come later. By the looks of the weather trends it shouldn't be too much longer before I will brave running outside :)

I've started to apply for my 6-week externship this summer. We have to approach vet clinics and convince them to take us on and hopefully pay us. I've sent my resume out to the clinics here in Truro. One already called back saying they weren't taking anyone this summer. I've been thinking about applying to places in Charlottetown and Saint John, if nothing turns up here.

This is also the month where I'll hear about my AVC interview. I would be surprised if I don't get one, but its still a bit stressful!

Thats all for now. I better get studying for the 7 tests we have next week...

1 comment:

Love2Run said...

Nice to see you getting good use of the nice saddle. Does Thea need stall to barrel racer program to get up to speed? Good luck with all your plans!