Sunday, July 16, 2006

Shopping List...

While anxiously counting down the days until I leave the island and move to my new place, I've been developing a list of things to get. Most have been kept in my head as I window shop after work or during lunch up by the mall. So I figured, since I have nothing better to do with my time... lets make a couple of lists. With categories of necessities, good to have, and would be nice :P


-kitchen garbage can
-shower curtain and hooks
-window curtains/blinds
-cell phone
-laptop (almost check)
-wireless router

Good To Have

-dining table
-chairs for table
-extra plates/bowls
-more large glasses
-another scratch post/cat furniture piece for Cody

Would Be Nice :P

-matching end tables and coffee table
-love seat
-matching accessories for bathroom
-new mattress
-matching nightstand and dresser
-a chocolate point female Birman playmate for Cody
-VCR, and DVD player/recorder for TV


Love2Run said...

Cellphone and wireless routers are necessities? Man, when I was your age ... the car came 1st ;-) (tee hee)

ShellRae said...

So organized Steph with your lists!! A girl after my own heart! I am also exicted to move, but I must say, living among boxes is getting tiring! You'll have to come down and visit Liz and I in Halifax!

Steph said...

Haha. If only a car was in the budget! :P

Michelle, good luck with your move! I will definately be down to visit you guys over the school year :) Don't forget to post pictures of the new place!